
Sweden Today

Swedish news in English

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Healthcare Workers Strike in Sweden Intensifies

Published: 2024-06-05

The ongoing conflict between the Swedish Association of Health Professionals (Vårdförbundet) and Sweden’s Municipalities and Regions (SKR) intensified as 2,000 healthcare workers went on strike.

Central to the dispute is Vårdförbundet's demand for reduced working hours, a proposal that SKR counters could exacerbate staffing issues.

SKR expressed willingness to bring in mediators to resolve the deadlock, but Vårdförbundet remains firm on their key demand.

The strike has led to significant disruptions in Västerbotten, with the regional authority labeling the action irresponsible and potentially dangerous for public health.

Meanwhile, local negotiations are ongoing to mitigate the impact of the strike on critical healthcare services.