
Sweden Today

Swedish news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Abandoned Boats Threaten Swedish Coasts

Published: 2024-08-15

The issue of abandoned boats is escalating along Sweden's coasts, posing significant environmental threats.

According to the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, the number of derelict boats is increasing annually, leading to pollution and hazards in harbors and coastal areas.

In Nacka, over 30 wrecks have been identified using advanced sonar technology, revealing a mix of old wooden boats and modern fiberglass vessels.

These abandoned boats often contain toxic substances like TBT and heavy metals, which can harm marine life.

The lack of a comprehensive boat registry complicates efforts to hold owners accountable.

Local authorities and environmental agencies are exploring solutions, including potential boat registries and cost-effective methods for removing these wrecks.

The situation underscores the urgent need for coordinated action to address the environmental impact of abandoned boats.