Published: 2025-01-31
Five years after Sweden's first confirmed COVID-19 case, experts warn the country remains unprepared for the next pandemic.
Despite rapid adjustments during the initial outbreak, healthcare resources were stretched thin, and early responses were criticized as too slow.
Over 21,000 Swedes lost their lives to the virus, with global deaths exceeding 7 million.
Experts, including Jan Albert, stress the urgency of improving healthcare infrastructure and pandemic preparedness.
Lessons from the past, such as the need for quicker action and better resource allocation, must guide future strategies.
A government report on pandemic readiness is expected next month.
Related articles in Swedish:

DN Debatt. ”Sverige är inte redo för nästa viruspandemi”

Fem år sedan första fallet av covid-19 i Sverige - Nyheter (Ekot)
Fem år sedan Covid-19: ”Borde ha kallat det katastrof från dag ett”
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