
Sweden Today

Swedish news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Tragic Accident Sparks Safety Concerns

Published: 2024-09-16

A tragic accident in Huddinge, south of Stockholm, has left the community in mourning after a 17-year-old girl was fatally struck by a Tesla at a pedestrian crossing.

The incident, which occurred at the intersection of Huddingevägen and Lännavägen, has raised questions about road safety in the area.

Despite previous safety improvements, including the installation of traffic lights and speed cameras, residents are calling for further measures, such as lowering speed limits.

The police are investigating the accident, which may have been captured on camera, to determine the exact circumstances.

Meanwhile, the Swedish Transport Administration is conducting its own inquiry, emphasizing the need for a balance between safety and traffic flow.

Local authorities and the community are united in their grief and determination to prevent future tragedies.