
Sweden Today

Swedish news in English

Friday, January 31, 2025

Sweden's Immigration Policy Sparks Controversy

Published: 2024-11-30

In Sweden, a contentious debate over immigration policy has emerged, centering on the newly proposed 'informationsplikt' or information duty.

This policy aims to expand police powers to identify illegal immigrants, including searching mobile phones.

The proposal has caused a rift among the Tidöpartierna coalition, with the Liberal Party claiming victory for securing exemptions for schools and social services.

Meanwhile, the Sweden Democrats assert they have achieved significant gains, despite internal disagreements.

Critics argue that the policy could lead to increased surveillance and privacy concerns.

Additionally, the issue highlights the broader challenge of illegal labor in Sweden, where undocumented workers are integral to the economy, yet face exploitation.

The debate underscores the complexity of balancing immigration control with human rights and economic realities.