
Sweden Today

Swedish news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Sweden Debates Ban on Wedding Tradition

Published: 2024-08-19

A new proposal in Sweden could see the end of a growing wedding tradition where the bride is "given away" by her father at the altar.

This practice, influenced by American customs and popularized by high-profile weddings like that of Crown Princess Victoria in 2010, is now under scrutiny.

The Social Democrats have submitted a motion to the church assembly advocating for a ban on this tradition in weddings conducted by the Church of Sweden.

They argue that the practice does not align with the church's view on equality and symbolizes outdated notions of women's dependency.

Magnus Elmblad, a priest in Karlshamn, supports the motion, expressing discomfort with the idea of transferring ownership.

Despite this, some brides, like Marica Boije, cherish the tradition, seeing it as a meaningful gesture acknowledging a father's role in their lives.

The debate highlights the tension between evolving cultural practices and traditional values within Swedish society.