
Sweden Today

Swedish news in English

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Mosques Advise Concealing Child Abuse, Investigation Reveals

Published: 2024-03-06

A shocking investigation by SVT's Uppdrag granskning has revealed that representatives from mosques in Sweden are advising parents to withhold the truth from social services.

In a daring undercover operation, a woman with a fabricated story about having hit her son sought advice from 28 mosques, resulting in 11 advising against honesty.

The report exposes a concerning trend where, despite public statements of cooperation with social services, private advice contradicts this stance.

This revelation has sparked strong reactions from Social Services Minister Camilla Waltersson Grönvall, condemning the advice to conceal child abuse.

The investigation highlights a complex issue of trust and misinformation within the community.