
Sweden Today

Swedish news in English

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Moderate Party Rift: Fredriksson Stays Amid Controversy

Published: 2024-04-22

In a series of events that have stirred controversy within the Moderate Party in Ronneby, Sweden, local council leader Roger Fredriksson has faced severe criticism for his behavior, including drinking alcohol during work hours and threatening municipal staff.

Despite a call from the Moderate Party's national organization for Fredriksson to resign due to "seriously damaged trust," the Ronneby party branch has decided to maintain their support, allowing him to remain in his position.

This decision followed a crisis meeting after which Vice Group Leader Sara Blixt, a vocal critic of Fredriksson, chose to step down from her role but remain within the party.

The local party's stance has sparked debates over ethical conduct and leadership responsibility, emphasizing the challenges of aligning local and national party values.