
Sweden Today

Swedish news in English

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Climate Activists Take Legal Battle to European Courts

Published: 2024-04-09

Climate activism has reached the courts in a groundbreaking manner, with groups like Aurora, led by spokesperson Ida Edling, suing the Swedish state for not taking sufficient climate action.

This legal battle, supported by over 600 members, hinges on the outcome of three major climate cases at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which could set a precedent for holding states accountable for climate change.

Meanwhile, six young Portuguese activists have also taken a significant step by suing Sweden and 32 other countries at the ECHR, alleging that inadequate efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions violate their human rights.

These cases are being closely watched as they could influence the legal landscape regarding climate obligations of states.

The decision of the ECHR, expected soon, could have a profound impact on future climate litigation.